Indonesia Bidik Ekspor Manggis ke
Selandia Baru
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta
- Setelah berhasil mengekspor manggis ke Australia, kini Indonesia juga sedang
menjajaki akses pasar ke Selandia Baru. “Dalam waktu dekat, tim biosecurity
Selandia Baru akan melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Indonesia untuk melakukan
verifikasi terhadap manggis kita,” kata Direktur Jenderal Kerja Sama
Perdagangan Internasional, Iman Pambagyo dalam rilis, Ahad 9 November 2012.
Sebelumnya, Indonesia berhasil membuka akses pasar buah manggis ke
Australia setelah melalui proses negosiasi selama 6 (enam) tahun melalui
berbagai forum bilateral antara kedua negara. “Terakhir, hal tersebut juga
dibahas pada pertemuan bilateral Menteri Perdagangan RI, Gita Wirjawan, dengan
Menteri Perdagangan Australia, Craig Emerson, di Canberra, 12 Oktober 2012,”
ujar Imam.
Pelepasan ekspor manggis pertama ke Australia dilakukan oleh Menteri
Pertanian Suswono pada 27 November 2012 lalu.
Imam menjelaskan konsumsi produk buah manggis di pasar Australia saat ini
volume-nya belum terlalu besar. Dalam ekspor pertama, hanya satu ton manggis
yang dikirim melalui pesawat terbang. Namun, terbukanya ekspor buah manggis ke
pasar Australia merupakan suatu bentuk keberhasilan diplomasi perdagangan
Indonesia, sebab Australia merupakan negara yang memiliki standar kesehatan
pangan yang tinggi (strict quarantine standards).
Keberhasilan tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi “batu loncatan” bagi
Indonesia untuk mendorong ekspor buah-buahan tropis Indonesia ke negara mitra
dagang lainnya yang memiliki standar yang tinggi.
Buah manggis merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan hortikultura Indonesia
dengan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi karena memiliki serapan pasar yang cukup
besar. Pada tahun 2011, produksi manggis nasional mencapai 117.600 ton dengan
jumlah ekspor manggis mencapai 12.600 ton dengan nilai USD 9,9 juta atau setara
dengan Rp 94 miliar. Pasar tujuan utama ekspor manggis selama ini adalah Hong
Kong, China, Singapura, Malaysia dan Timur Tengah.
Sentra utama manggis yang diekspor umumnya berasal dari daerah Tasikmalaya,
Purwakarta, Bogor, Sukabumi, Lampung, Kampar, Purwerejo, Blitung, Lahat,
Tapanuli Selatan, Limapuluh Kota, Padang Pariaman, Trenggalek, Blitar, dan
Indonesian Shutter Mangosteen Export
to New Zealand
TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - After successfully exporting mangosteen to Australia ,
Indonesia is now also exploring market access to New Zealand . " In the
near future , Biosecurity New Zealand team will conduct a working visit to
Indonesia to verify the mangosteen us , " said Director General of
International Trade Cooperation , Faith Pambagyo in a release on Sunday 9 November
2012 .
Previously , Indonesia was able to open up access to the Australian market after a mangosteen fruit through a process of negotiation for 6 ( six ) years through various bilateral forum between the two countries . "Lastly , it is also discussed at bilateral meetings Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan , the Australian Trade Minister , Craig Emerson , in Canberra , October 12, 2012 , " said Imam .
The release of the first mangosteen exports to Australia made by the Minister of Agriculture Suswono on November 27, 2012.
Priest describes consumption of mangosteen products on the Australian market today its volume is not too large . In the first export , just a ton of mangosteen sent via airplane . However , the opening of the mangosteen fruit export to the Australian market is a form of success of Indonesia's trade diplomacy , because Australia is a country that has a high standard of health food (strict quarantine standards ) .
This success is expected to be a " stepping stone " for Indonesia to encourage the export of tropical fruits from Indonesia to countries other trading partners who have high standards .
The mangosteen fruit is one of the leading Indonesian horticultural commodities with high economic value because it has a considerable market uptake . In 2011 , the national production reached 117,600 tons mangosteen with mangosteen export amount reached 12,600 tons with a value of $ 9.9 million or equivalent to Rp 94 billion . The main destination markets for exports mangosteen is Hong Kong , China , Singapore , Malaysia and the Middle East .
The main centers of the mangosteen that are generally exported from the area of Tasikmalaya , Purwakarta , Bogor , Sukabumi , Lampung , Kampar , Purwerejo , Blitung , Lahat , South Tapanuli , Fifty Cities , Padang Pariaman , Psychology , Blitar , and Banyuwangi .
Previously , Indonesia was able to open up access to the Australian market after a mangosteen fruit through a process of negotiation for 6 ( six ) years through various bilateral forum between the two countries . "Lastly , it is also discussed at bilateral meetings Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan , the Australian Trade Minister , Craig Emerson , in Canberra , October 12, 2012 , " said Imam .
The release of the first mangosteen exports to Australia made by the Minister of Agriculture Suswono on November 27, 2012.
Priest describes consumption of mangosteen products on the Australian market today its volume is not too large . In the first export , just a ton of mangosteen sent via airplane . However , the opening of the mangosteen fruit export to the Australian market is a form of success of Indonesia's trade diplomacy , because Australia is a country that has a high standard of health food (strict quarantine standards ) .
This success is expected to be a " stepping stone " for Indonesia to encourage the export of tropical fruits from Indonesia to countries other trading partners who have high standards .
The mangosteen fruit is one of the leading Indonesian horticultural commodities with high economic value because it has a considerable market uptake . In 2011 , the national production reached 117,600 tons mangosteen with mangosteen export amount reached 12,600 tons with a value of $ 9.9 million or equivalent to Rp 94 billion . The main destination markets for exports mangosteen is Hong Kong , China , Singapore , Malaysia and the Middle East .
The main centers of the mangosteen that are generally exported from the area of Tasikmalaya , Purwakarta , Bogor , Sukabumi , Lampung , Kampar , Purwerejo , Blitung , Lahat , South Tapanuli , Fifty Cities , Padang Pariaman , Psychology , Blitar , and Banyuwangi .